Last Updated on September 21, 2021

What You’ll Learn In Episode 160:

Do you know what the most Googled sex questions are? Are any of your sex questions on the list? In this episode, Kevin & Céline take the top 15 most Googled sex questions and answer them in the style of a call-in radio show. They cover some of the most common questions they hear as well. You are likely to learn something while having fun!

Kevin Anthony 0:11
Welcome to the love lab podcast a safe place to get real about sex. Whether you’re a man or woman, single or couple, this is the show for you.

Céline Remy 0:20
We are your hosts, Kevin Anthony and Celine Remy. And we are here to guide you to go from good to amazing in the bedroom and beyond.

Kevin Anthony 0:27
Alright, welcome back to the love lab podcast. This is Episode 160. And it’s titled, top 15 sex Google questions from around the world. Okay, we just wanted to do something fun today. Well, actually, I think our shows are always fun. But maybe a little bit more lighthearted than usual.

Kevin Anthony 0:49
So what we did was we found the list of the Top 15 most googled sex questions, and we’re going to answer them, but to make it even more fun, we’re going to just spontaneously answer them. So we didn’t prepare a bunch of written responses to it, we’re just going to be it’s like, it’s like you’re called into a radio show.

Kevin Anthony 1:10
And you asked your sex parts questions. That’s kinda what it’s gonna be like, only we don’t have to deal with all the Collins stuff, because we don’t have the technology for that.

Céline Remy 1:18
One day would be good. So it’s been something I’ve wanted to do to have live callers on the show and stuff. That’d be really cool.

Kevin Anthony 1:25
That would be fun. That would be a whole nother level of production.

Céline Remy 1:30
Anyway, before we get started with our question, and let’s give a big shout-out to our sponsors, but we’re in mastery. So if you want to join the secret club of men who are great in bed, then check out our mastery power and

Céline Remy 1:44
It is the most complete sexual mastery training for men, wherever you want to last longer have hard directions or increase your sexual skills. There is something for you at power and

Kevin Anthony 1:57
Okay, so this was a topic, you know, we have a list of things to talk about that we look at from time to time, to get inspiration for the show, this was one of the things on the list. It’s been there for a while we haven’t done it yet. And I started looking for lists of the top, you know, questions that people Google around sex. And most of the results go back to a story that made its way around the internet around 2017.

Céline Remy 2:28
What happened to it?

Kevin Anthony 2:30
Was that you know, just that somebody, you know, there’s an article put out in 2017 that had the top 10 sex questions that people googled, and all the media outlets picked it up. And it was basically replicated everywhere. But 2017 is a while ago. So I was hoping to find a newer list of the top questions. And I did find one on a website called lube life. So just gonna throw that out there that the questions have come from there, the answers will be coming from us.

Céline Remy 3:01
Question number one. What are the health benefits of having sex every day? Now, do we need to clarify the questions about having sex every day? Are we talking about masturbating every day, you are having penetration sex, or you’re are masturbating or watching porn multiple times a day or stuff? Like there’s like a whole like,

Kevin Anthony 3:25
yeah, so that would be a whole show. You dissected the question that much. I think, for the purposes of this show, we’re just gonna say like, actual sex. So you know, between two people having some sort of sexual activity, not necessarily penetration, so we’ll weed out the porn, the masturbation, that kind of stuff.

Céline Remy 3:48
Well, research shows that it increases your it boosts your immunity, so that’s a really good immune booster, it will lower your stress levels, your cause teasle it can help with boosting your hormones like the good one, your female and male hormones.

Kevin Anthony 4:04
Sex is also physical activity. So good

Céline Remy 4:07

Kevin Anthony 4:08
it’s gonna make your body physically stronger. Anything else you can think of off the top of your head?

Céline Remy 4:15
I mean as a health benefit is usually people who have sex stay together.

Kevin Anthony 4:20
Well, yeah, I mean, that’s, that’s, that is actually a great benefit. Right? So So couples that have sex more frequently, tend to have better relationships.

Céline Remy 4:31
Yeah. So you know, also look at it as it’s really good for your body, for your health, but it’s also good for your mental for your emotional health, and then for the intimacy in your relationship. And because you’re not separated, it’s like when you boost one of these areas when you have sex, and I think it’s also good sex because just having sex that depletes you, I don’t know if it gives you as much of the health benefits, let’s be real about that.

Kevin Anthony 5:02
Well, it will, it will give you some benefits for sure. Like a lot of those things that we talked about will still be benefits. But let’s say you’re a male, and you’re having, you know, sex every day and ejaculating every single day, as you get older, you might find that that’s depleting and tiring. Yeah.

Céline Remy 5:20
So these are some of the tops of our heads of the healthy benefits of having sex every day. And, you know, you don’t need it every day, if you want it every day. That’s great. But it doesn’t have to be that. And I think that kind of leads to our next question here.

Kevin Anthony 5:36
What is a healthy frequency for sex between couples? slash, we took two and combine them here? What is a healthy sexual appetite? So let’s talk first about what is a healthy frequency of sex between couples?

Céline Remy 5:50
There are no it goes all over the spectrum. Basically, I’d say there are no rules. What is healthy for you? What do you want? What do you like? Some people are perfectly happy with having sex once a month. Other people, it’s once a day.

Kevin Anthony 6:10
Yeah, I think what’s more important is that both people are lined with the frequency that each other wants, right. So in other words, if you’re both perfectly happy with sex once a month, great, but if one wants sex every day, and one wants sex, once a month, that’s a problem. But to talk more in generalities, I would say one to two times a week, for the average healthy couple who still loves each other is what we would consider a healthy frequency.

Céline Remy 6:43
Absolutely. But also understand that frequency will vary for life, depending on what you go through, will very few times with also math to fake that as you’ve been in a relationship for multiple years, your sex drive or sexual activity should decline actually think it could be the opposite because you really noticing the good effect that it has on the relationship on your sanity. And it’s like, what else? Is there better to do than each other? Right?

Kevin Anthony 7:14
Yes, what else? Is there better to do than each other? So there’s, there’s a second half to this question, which is, what’s a healthy sexual appetite? So this gets out like, you know, how much should you be wanting sex versus how much you actually have? Right?

Céline Remy 7:37
Yeah, it’s interesting, because some people will be like, Well, I have a high sex drive, if I don’t have sex at least three times a day doesn’t work for me. And I think sometimes people are putting together their sex drives and their addictions and thinking they’re one and the same. And they compensated, compensating for a lack of something or bigger problem using sex as a way to not really look at the root.

Kevin Anthony 8:05
Yeah, we’re gonna talk about that a little bit more in question number three, but just to finish up, what’s the healthy sexual appetite? I think a healthy sexual appetite, honestly, is to have one. I mean, again, you know, the frequency depends on the person. And it depends on the time and situations in your life.

Kevin Anthony 8:26
In other words, if I think back to you know, when I was 20, I mean, I wanted sex every day, all day, like as many times as I could get it. Right. And that was normal for a healthy young 20 years old now. You know, now that I’m in my late 40s. Yeah, I mean, I know I know. I’m not thinking about it. 24 seven. Yeah,

Céline Remy 8:50
you but also think we need to make a distinction between sexual appetite like having libido feeling horny feeling it? and acting on it are two different things. So it’s actually super healthy to want to have sex to feel horny. It happens to me multiple times a day now? Do I act on it every single time? Absolutely not.

Kevin Anthony 9:09
Maybe you should

Céline Remy 9:11
know how often you like, why didn’t you? And I’m like, because like,

Kevin Anthony 9:15
cuz I had shit to do. Yeah, but you know, we’re saying appetite. That’s really what we mean is sex drive. Right? You know, so. And it’s not to say that somebody that doesn’t have a sex drive isn’t healthy or normal, there are people that that that is their norm. But those people are not the norm when we look at averages across the population. So the average person should have a fairly healthy sex drive and think about sex on a regular basis.

Céline Remy 9:50
Alright, let’s move on to our question number three is too much sex bad. Whoo.

Kevin Anthony 9:56
I think the only way too much sex could be bad is when you get into the realm of addiction, which is what you started to talk about before. So if your behavior is in the realm of addiction, where you literally can not have it, then I think that could be bad. Otherwise, you know, I mean, yeah, you could, you can have a little soreness, you could, you know, you could have a little like, oh, our genitals need a break, you know, but other than that, there’s really nothing bad about having too much sex.

Céline Remy 10:30
Well, again, it’s not about what it’s how, you know, you compulsively masturbating and not feeling good about yourself when you’re doing it? Are you doing it every single day multiple times a day to the fault that you don’t connect with other people in your life? Are you so focused on watching porn or having masturbation that you no longer have sex with other human beings? Like, those types of things are a problem?

Céline Remy 11:01
You know, do you think about sex multiple times a day? That’s not a problem? That’s a healthy thing? Do you bring it home? And then make love to your partner? Sure, great. Again, it’s about what’s your relationship? And if you’re asking about Oh, is it bad, and that there’s something inherently bad with your sexuality, that’s most likely because you have beliefs or programming from your childhood that need to be rewired?

Céline Remy 11:28
Because we are sexual beings. It is natural, beautiful, and healthy to be sexual. If it’s of course, again, we are talking about a consensual relationship, a healthy relationship here. But the thing is, you just need to come up to peace that you are a sexual being. And so if it’s more about guilt and shame that’s holding you back. You got to work on that.

Kevin Anthony 11:55
Yeah. So. So basically, as long as you’re not addicted to it, and using it improperly, then there is no such thing as too much sex. All right. Number four, does the use of sex toys ruin relationships?

Céline Remy 12:12
It’s a good one.

Kevin Anthony 12:13
It is a good idea. I’m kind of surprised that people are googling this. But now the short answer is no, no, the use of sex toys does not ruin a relationship. In fact, sex toys can be used to increase your sexual experience, especially if you’ve been together for a long time. And things may be a little stale, a little bored, you can bring in some sex toys to help spice things up and make it more fun and exciting.

Kevin Anthony 12:40
But I would say in the end anything can be misused or overused. Right? So one thing you would want to avoid with sex toys is, you know, maybe he’s not the greatest lover in bed. And the only way she has an orgasm is to use a vibrator while they’re having sex. So every time they have sex, she’s pulling out the industrial Hitachi one, right? And now she’s basically desensitized yourself to the point where he’s never going to make her come.

Kevin Anthony 13:11
And now they can’t have sex without it. Right? So you can introduce problems into a relationship with sex toys. But in general, it’s not an issue, especially if you use them wisely. There’s nothing wrong with bringing some toys in from time to time to help spice things up.

Céline Remy 13:31
Again, it’s not the word it’s the half. Right? So question number five, what foods are good for sex drive? Ooh.

Kevin Anthony 13:41
Yeah, this is a good one. So we’ve done blog articles on this. I think we’ve even done a YouTube video on it. I don’t remember all the places we put this information out. But usually, this question is answered by you know, here are the things that are considered aphrodisiacs like, you know, have your oysters and your chocolate, dark chocolate and all that, but I’m gonna answer this one difference this time.

Kevin Anthony 14:08
Yes, there are some foods that are considered libido boosters, I guess, you know, aphrodisiacs. And they may or may not work to some extent, depending on who you are. I think there are two things that are more important than Ooh, this is an aphrodisiac. Number one is to eat foods that are healthy for you. And the reason why that’s important is that the healthier you are, the better shape you’re in, the better your genitals are going to work. Right?

Kevin Anthony 14:45
The higher your sex drive is going to be, the better off you’ll be able to perform when you’re actually making love. So, being healthy in general will make you actually better in bed. We hear this all the time from couples that we work with about, well, you know, he can’t do this move, or he can’t be in this position, a lot of those things are related to the overweight they’ve had, who knows what kind of surgeries this, that and the other thing, and all of those things have negatively impacted their ability to have sex.

Kevin Anthony 15:23
And so being healthier, what does that mean? That means eating as close foods as close to nature as possible, making sure that they’re organic, right, making sure that it’s mostly fruits and vegetables. We’re not opposed to eating meat, but you’re not supposed to eat meat three times a day, seven days a week, sorry, that’s just you’re not supposed to do that, whether you like hearing it or not.

Kevin Anthony 15:47
So all of these little things, you know, organic, mostly vegetarian, drink lots of good healthy water. If you’re going to eat meats, try to eat organically raised pasture-raised or, or hunted by somebody, you know, wild, you know, like that kind of stuff, like try to eat as healthy and close to nature as possible, your body will be in better shape, your genitals will work better, you’ll get more frequent erections, you’ll have more lubrication, if you’re a woman, you’ll have more libido, you’ll just want to have sex more.

Céline Remy 16:22
And a lot of the things that you associate as aphrodisiacs, I mean, studies show that a lot of it is the placebo effect. While there are a few foods that may increase or dilate your blood vessels, as they say like watermelon that acts as a natural viagra, you would have to eat it in such quantities to get to that level that just a few oysters or having a slice of watermelon is not really going to get you there.

Céline Remy 16:46
So but because we know also that our biggest sex organ is between our ears, it’s our brain. So if you think it’s going to work for you, then it will. But again, come back to the basics and come back to whatever keeps you healthy because you are not separated from your body.

Kevin Anthony 17:02
Yeah. Now before we go to the next one, I do want to add in here too, though, that there are some foods that you should avoid, if you want to have healthy sex. And I know we did a whole blog article on this one, I think we even did a YouTube video on this one. But in general, anything for man, I’m going to speak from the man’s point of view, because I know that side a little better when it comes to food.

Kevin Anthony 17:25
In general, anything that lowers your testosterone, and increases your estrogen would be bad. Right? So So what am I talking about with those things? Beer. That’s a big one. I know guys, you don’t want to hear it. But yes, beer is not good for your sex life. There’s a lot of foods today that have things called Phytoestrogens in them, which are basically plant-based estrogens that mimic human estrogens.

Kevin Anthony 17:56
There are also a lot of things like, you know, the cans that food comes in, and the plastic containers and things like that, that all also contain Phytoestrogens. And so if you’re eating a lot of those things, and your guys gonna raise your estrogen level, which is going to affect your testosterone level. And they’re most likely decrease your desire for sex and even potentially your physical performance.

Céline Remy 18:21
And let’s not forget the sugar. Sugar is really bad and really not good for your body. And that’s kind of one and I know it’s a hard one to cut off. But reduce that that will go a long way

Kevin Anthony 18:34
sugar, also known as the white death.

Céline Remy 18:38
Well, let’s move on to question number six, what are the best sex hacks. So we say that if there was one button that you could push, especially for the men who wanted pleasure a woman, we would be giving you that recipe right away, and we would have it plastered all over our sites. But there’s really not one size one-button fits all. And when it comes to sex hacks, I think the one thing to remember is that you are not separated from your body.

Céline Remy 19:15
So I understand that having your head in the game is very important. So whatever you start thinking, if you stuck in anxiety will, if you’re thinking what if I’m not going to perform if you’re a woman who keeps telling herself, I don’t like sex, I don’t orgasm and stuff. So the mental piece is huge. And like really, as one of the hacks is to start to transform the dialogues in your head.

Céline Remy 19:39
And I think the biggest transformation that so many of our clients have is through the practices of learning to breathe, breathing deeply into their belly, and slowing things down. Suddenly sex feels different and better.

Kevin Anthony 19:56
Yeah, I’m gonna add for sex hacks. That you don’t have to be in the mood, you can create the mood. This thing blows people’s minds when we coach them on this right? Like, wow, you know, we’re just not in the mood that often and Well, yeah, it’s great to plan a date night, every whatever. But then what if we’re not in the mood, right? Like we hear this all the time.

Kevin Anthony 20:19
I think one of the things with long term couples that makes the biggest difference is getting them to understand that you don’t have to wait until you’re both in the mood at the same time, in order to have sex, that you can agree that you’re going to have a certain date night and that you will work on getting each other in the mood, it may or may not happen, but you’re going to try at least.

Céline Remy 20:45
Yeah, so let’s give a little shout out to our second sponsor of today’s show, which is Kevin and me, if we have a special invitation for all the couples are listening today, if you are a committed couple who is stuck in a rut and just going through the daily motions instead of connecting the way you used to, and you are tired of stale, mechanical sex, that like spontaneity and fun and you don’t want to live a life of average, then Kevin and I would like to invite you to join our highly sexed power couple Platinum program,

Céline Remy 21:15
give us 90 days, only 90 days, and we will help you bring the passion to share the passion pack between the sheets. And the thing to have sex so that you can thrive with more purpose and passion in your life. So good to sell in, forward slash bash, and no shit.

Kevin Anthony 21:35
Yeah, you know, if you’re needing help in this area, you really should reach out to us, you can work on it for the end of this year, and you can start 2022 like it’s a whole new relationship.

Céline Remy 21:48
Alright, we’re gonna move on a little faster here, because we have a few more questions to go through. So that’s sex really matters for any relationship? Well, it depends on who you are. But I would say that it does. only a very few people are really not connected to their sexuality and could do without, but it’s a very, it’s a very challenging path.

Céline Remy 22:10
Most people are still designed to have there to have sex and evolve through their sexuality. And one of the things that makes a relationship, different from a friendship is the fact that you have sex. And so I’ve always what’s the point? If you don’t then might as well just have lots of good friends?

Kevin Anthony 22:31
Yeah, and you know, some people, some people will always complain, but some people will be like, Oh, you don’t have to have it doesn’t matter. My brothers, sisters, God, and whatever. You know, in general, it is important to have sex in a healthy relationship. That is part of a healthy relationship.

Céline Remy 22:50
Everybody I know who’s really grumpy is totally under sex and not fucked properly. And you see that a lot with women. They’re like, really grumpy. They complain. They’re bitches. They’re just like, not fun to be around, they get laid and all a sudden, it’s a whole new woman.

Kevin Anthony 23:04
That is so true. I have called this so many times, there was an office manager at a job I used to work at years ago. And you know, her and I like, we always got along, I thought she was nice, but a lot of people thought she was kind of bitchy, you know, people all the time. Like, she’s such a bitch, you know, and she’s always telling people what to do, and blah, blah, blah.

Kevin Anthony 23:23
One day, she comes into our lab, and she’s, super nice and smiling and happy. And she walks out of the room. I look at my boss, and I go, well, somebody got laid? Turns out, sure enough, she did. She had a new boyfriend.

Céline Remy 23:40
So I think that answers the question of whether or not it matters just by how it impacts your mood. Let’s move on to our next question. How do I improve my sex power? Oh, Kevin, what

Kevin Anthony 23:51
do you think I’m assuming this is men who are googling this woman don’t usually don’t go prove our sex power, their sex power, most likely by sex power, I think what you are asking is how do you last longer? That’s generally what people mean when they’re asking that question. And, you know, we’ve done whole shows on this.

Kevin Anthony 24:15
So I can only cover so much on you know, how do you last longer and improve your power, but basically, you need to, you need to understand that orgasm and ejaculation are not the same things. You need to learn how to separate them. You also need to learn your arousal scale. And you need to learn how to control your arousal. Right, so you want to know what the scale is. So you know when you’re getting too close to ejaculation, you want to learn how to control it so you can stay in your sweet spot.

Kevin Anthony 24:48
And then you want to learn how to separate the orgasm and ejaculation so that you can still have orgasms without the ejaculation which will help lower the intensity of the energy flowing through you which will lower you on your arousal scale, and you’ll be able to keep going over and over and over again until you decide if and when you actually ejaculate. It’s a whole practice. It’s a whole bunch of skill sets. And this is why we created power mastery, which we advertised at the beginning of the show.

Kevin Anthony 25:18
Because it’s on, you know, that’s, it’s, it’s in the top 10. Right, top 10 questions that guys ask. So, yeah, if you really want to know more about that, because honestly, there’s just not enough time in the show. Please go visit power mastery calm, I highly suggest you purchase the sexual mastery program, you will learn a ton.

Céline Remy 25:42
Alright, let’s move on to our question number nine, do people in their 50s still have sex? Absolutely.

Kevin Anthony 25:51
This has to be young people asking this question. I mean, come on, first of all, by today’s standards, 50 is not old. And I say that because I’m getting close to it. But no, it’s really not. It’s really not that old. Like this idea that somehow people who are 50 or so old, they’re not going to have sex anymore. Like, backward out kicked out of bed No more like, come on. 50 like, yeah, that’s the reality for some 50-year-olds, but 50 years 50 is not 70. It’s not 80. You know, like,

Céline Remy 26:25
well, I’m one thing to realize, too, is that the healthier you are, the more you’re going to want to have sex. You know, there are people who have a lot of health challenges, that’s when it becomes a challenge to continue and maintain their sexuality. But a lot of people find that once they are no longer having to take care of the kids the pressure of the jobs, that can find new ways to reconnect.

Céline Remy 26:47
And there’s also not the pressure of like, getting her pregnant. And it just opens up to whole new ways of having sex and sexuality that some couples find themselves having like a second life.

Kevin Anthony 27:01
Absolutely. We know, tons of people in their 50s that are still having regular sex all the time. We know people in their 60s, we know people in their 70s we even know a few people in their 80s. Yes. Who is still having regular sex? Yes. Fact, I know a guy in his 80s who’s having more sex than most people in their 30s.

Céline Remy 27:25
That is true.

Kevin Anthony 27:27
That is true. has got multiple lovers and the whole thing like so yeah.

Céline Remy 27:31
It just depends on what you create for yourself. So whatever you’ve decided you wanted to do, you know, let’s talk about our question number 10 is that we’re going from one spectrum to the other here, is drinking my girlfriend’s vaginal juices during oral sex healthy?

Kevin Anthony 27:47
Why yes, it is provided, of course, that she is healthy. So you know, when you if you were to research this, you’ll get a bunch of information about all of the good healthy bacteria that are contained in a woman’s vaginal secretions, and how that could actually be good for your gut microbiome and all that. Good stuff is true. But it also does depend on whether or not she’s healthy. So the discharge that comes out could be a healthy discharge or an unhealthy discharge.

Céline Remy 28:25
And remember, too, that not everybody is compatible, that sometimes some people’s juices are not mixing well with other people’s juices, and it can happen. So even if you had a reaction with somebody doesn’t mean it’s with everyone, it could just be with that person.

Kevin Anthony 28:40

Céline Remy 28:42
Question 11 is oral sex healthy?

Kevin Anthony 28:46
Oh, definitely. giving or receiving or both? Both.

Céline Remy 28:51
We have a whole we have whole shows on oral sex. So we were talking about this a lot. But oral sex is a great activity. And again, it’s all about how you do it. You know, if you just go look around our purses or decks like from strangers without asking about their STI and knowing their sexual practices, you are at risk and exposing yourself to more than you would really want.

Céline Remy 29:14
You are more at risk with licking pussies and doing blow jobs. But, you know, apart from that, if you are in relationships or with people who I have no, it is a very healthy sexual act.

Kevin Anthony 29:29
Absolutely. Couldn’t agree more. All right, let’s see number 12. on the list is BDSM a healthy sexual practice Why or why not? Okay. So in this, the answer to this really is again, it’s all about how it’s done. So BDSM can absolutely be healthy, some positive things that then we’ve done whole shows on this too, but some positive things that we could say about BDSM is.

Kevin Anthony 29:58
it teaches people how to set boundaries, it also teaches people how to let go relax and receive. It teaches people how to trust each other is a huge trust component in any sort of BDSM play. It

Céline Remy 30:16
pushes you out of your comfort zone forces

Kevin Anthony 30:18
you out of your comfort zone and teaches you how to ask for what you want. I mean, there’s a lot of positive things that can come out of it. However, like anything, it can be misused or used incorrectly or overused, to the point where it can become unhealthy. Now, we’ve interviewed enough BDSM people, even on this show, that I can honestly say that any real solid, like professional BDSM person, would never allow BDSM to get into the unhealthy realm.

Kevin Anthony 30:56
Like they’re usually if they’re, if they’re good, they are extremely conscientious about rules and safety, and all of that kind of stuff. But that doesn’t mean that every buddy that experiences BDSM has that kind of experience. And so because you’re dealing with power play, because you’re dealing with bondage, because you’re dealing with those kinds of things, you do have to treat it very carefully, to make sure that you stay in the healthy realm and not move into the unhealthy realm.

Céline Remy 31:34
And there’s also the part about the pain. And that, you know, while it could be a path to the pleasure pathway, it’s not the only path. So even if you’d like to receive pain or give pain there, I always invite people to explore more one that more than one way to experience a pleasure.

Céline Remy 31:56
Let’s talk about question number 14. How long does sex last? Okay, when you are not quoting the studies, again, I am so tired of hearing hold about how long men last how long women last? And if your listener you know, you’ve heard it so many times.

Kevin Anthony 32:11
But what if we have new listeners who haven’t heard it yet? So you know that the article I got these questions from simply said they said that foreplay on average is 20 minutes. And actual sex on average is seven minutes. That’s which is basically what the studies always say.

Kevin Anthony 32:33
There are two main studies ever done on this one said men last three to five minutes, the other said five to seven minutes, we tried to give people the benefit of the doubt and say approximately seven minutes. And we also know that it takes women about 20 to 30 and maybe even 40 for them to have an orgasm.

Céline Remy 32:49
So how long sex lasts? Well, it all depends on you. It depends on whether you’re going for a sprint or a marathon that depends on the skills of your lover. It depends on your ability to communicate. And no long sex is not boring shorts night sex is not always better. Sometimes you want to quickie sometimes you want something longer.

Céline Remy 33:08
And it’s very important to actually make your sex a little bit longer than what you usually get. Because there are chemical changes that happened in the body at the 20 minutes mark at the 45 minutes mark. And unless you last long enough to experience that you never get to reach these higher states of pleasure.

Kevin Anthony 33:24
Yeah, I think in most cases, you should treat sex as a marathon.

Céline Remy 33:31
And focus on the journey, not the destination. Right? Well, I don’t know why we put question 14 because really, this is a whole show. I feel like we should come back. Maybe we might even make our next show this question. This is where people are

Kevin Anthony 33:46

Céline Remy 33:46
how to make a woman orgasm. Like we only have a few minutes left here. And I feel like this question deserves a whole show. I actually think we might do the next one on that because it’s kind of fun. But how to make a woman orgasm. Well, ask her what does she want? What does she like?

Céline Remy 34:05
Give her clitoris some good attention, tend to her heart and her mind because if her heart is not in there, and her head’s not in the game, even if you’re good at the technique, it’s going to be difficult for her to feel safe so she can let go. Exactly. And that’s really your first step. I love that you brought that up Kevin because really hard to make a woman orgasm make her feel safe.

Céline Remy 34:30
She can surrender so that she can have orgasms and orgasms. Remember, I’m not like chocolate and flowers, something that you give to somebody else. It’s a state of being that somebody opens up to.

Kevin Anthony 34:42
Yeah, and you know, honestly, if you want to answer the question of how to make a woman orgasm, you have to ask What woman a particular point in time. What day what time of the day where is she on her cycle there’s like like a dozen other questions you have to answer before you can even get there?

Céline Remy 35:05
Last but not least question, is casual sex bad for you?

Kevin Anthony 35:10
is casual sex bad for you? Well, you know, this is another one of those answers where it basically is it depends. So, if you do casual sex the right way, which means with full consent from everybody, which means having the questions before you have sex, about STI eyes and past sexual history, and what do you want?

Kevin Anthony 35:35
What do you like? What do you want? What do you like, right? As long as you do all those kinds of things, then casual sex can be perfectly fine.

Céline Remy 35:44
And that you’re clear that this is casual sex, that there’s not one person thinking this is a long term relationship, we’re going to get married and the ones like schedule says some people

Kevin Anthony 35:54
love casual sex and not just men. I know. You’re all thinking, yeah, of course, guys, I just want to bang as many women as possible. But no,  we have personally known women who just loved having casual sex, that was their thing. And that they enjoyed it for whatever reason, right?

Kevin Anthony 36:10
As long as you’re doing it very upfront with full communication, everybody’s aware they know what they’re getting into, then it’s perfectly fine. It becomes a problem when you’re not communicating. When you’re not upfront that it’s casual sex when you don’t have you know, the discussions about STI,

Céline Remy 36:31
and when you don’t use condoms,

Kevin Anthony 36:34
for pregnancy, those kinds of things. So it’s really, it’s all in how you do it.

Céline Remy 36:41
There you have it. These were the 15 top questions, six questions asked on Google. There is so much more we can cover. But we hope that it was helpful, and that you got some good little tips here to help you take your sex life to the next level.

Kevin Anthony 36:58
And if you have questions that were not on this list that you would like answered, then email us

Céline Remy 37:06
at support at the love lab

Kevin Anthony 37:09
send us an email ask us your question. We have done listener question episodes in the past and we’d be happy to do another one if we get some good questions that we haven’t done before. All right, everybody. That’s all the time we have for this episode. And we will see you next week. We hope you like this episode of the love lab podcast. If you enjoy this show, subscribe, leave us a review and share it with your friends.

Céline Remy 37:39
And for more free exclusive content. Join us in the passion vault at

Kevin Anthony 37:53

Thanks for listening,

Céline Remy 37:54
and remember you are amazing.

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