What You’ll Learn In Episode 187:

Do you or your partner ever experience vaginal pain during sex or lack of lubrication? If your vagina isn’t quite the same anymore after childbirth, surgery, or aging, you may not be aware that there are new treatments that can help. In this episode, Kevin & Céline talk with Founder and CEO of Lumisque Skincare Lana Kerr about using CO2 Carboxy to restore your vagina to the way it was when you were younger; making sex fun again and bringing sexual connection back to your relationship.

Links From Today’s Show:

Lana Kerr Lana Kerr is the CEO of Lumisque Skincare, home of CO2Lift Carboxy Gel, a natural method for skin regeneration/vaginal rejuvenation that uses carbon dioxide to hydrate and re-oxygenate the skin, creating hydration and firmness and lift. Her work has revolutionized the way doctors, ranging from dermatologists to gynecologists, treat their patients and has received recognition from celebrities such as Chrissy Teigen.

To Find Out More About CO2 Lift V: https://co2lift.com/

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Kevin Anthony 0:11
Welcome to the Love Lab podcast a safe place to get real about sex. Whether you’re a man, woman, single, or couple, this is the show for you.

Céline Remy 0:20
We are your hosts, Kevin Anthony and Céline Remy and we are here to guide you to go from good to amazing in the bedroom and beyond.

Kevin Anthony 0:27
Alright, welcome back to the Love Lab podcast. This is episode number 187. And it is titled give your vagina a facelift. Okay, this is going to be fun, and it’s going to be interesting and something we have definitely never talked about before. And you know, we’ll of course get into it much, much deeper as we go along in the show.

Kevin Anthony 0:51
But if you’re just tuning in now and you’re like, What in the world are they talking about? Just sticking around for a little walk is gonna make more sense as we go through it as you understand the problems that some women face. And how this could potentially be a solution to that.

Kevin Anthony 1:07
And if you’re a guy stick around also, because if your woman is giving you excuses about why she doesn’t want to have sex, it could be because there’s some stuff going on for her that could actually be treated, and she doesn’t even know that it could be potentially treated.

Kevin Anthony 1:24
So you might be able to bring this to her and say, Hey, this might be able to help you. So it’s going to be a fascinating conversation. And we’re gonna be talking a lot about vaginas, which is one of our favorite topics.

Céline Remy 1:37
And it’s a perfect follow to the show we did last week because last week, we talked all about the different procedures for men and we went into the pee shot and Gaines waves and all the things that men can do with their penises. So we thought that it would be really good to address the other side.

Céline Remy 1:57
And we also talking today about non-invasive procedures. So before you freak out, like oh my gosh, you can stick needles in my vagina or cut things off. That’s not what we’re talking about today. If this is about vaginal rejuvenation, that is painless. I

Kevin Anthony 2:12
always love how that works out because we didn’t really plan it that way. Like we didn’t say, Okay, we’re gonna go out and get a guest to talk about you know, fixing men’s penises, and then we’re gonna go out and get a guest to talk about fixing women’s vaginas. It just lined up that way. It’s like the universe just put it perfectly for us.

Céline Remy 2:29
Alright, well, let’s give a big shout-out to our sponsors Bower in mastery. So if you want to join the secret club of men who are great in bed, then check out power and mastery at power and mastery.com. It is the most complete sexual mastery training for men.

Céline Remy 2:43
Whether you want to have harder erections last longer or increase your sexual skills, there is something for you at power and mastery.com. So go check it out. Our guest today is Lana Kerr, she is the founder and CEO of Loomis skincare, which is the home of the co2 lift carboxy gel. She’s been in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years, and she’s got lots of experience talking to us about vaginal rejuvenation

Kevin Anthony 3:14
be telling us about her vagina today.

Céline Remy 3:17
So welcome Lana and your vagina.

Lana Kerr 3:21
We’re both happy to be here.

Kevin Anthony 3:27
Alright, so we’re gonna just dive right in. And I really want to start by taking a few steps, maybe quite a few steps backward in time. Because while you’ve been in the skincare industry for a long time, there were some personal issues that you had that really led you to this path of vaginal rejuvenation. And so kind of want to take a step back. And have you explained to the audience, what was going on for you in the life that started you on this path?

Lana Kerr 3:58
That’s a great question, Kevin. You know, it’s interesting that most things that I get involved with, with a lot of passion, really stem from things and or issues that I was facing. So skincare, weight loss, skincare, I know, vaginal rejuvenation. So I’ll just step a little further back to say when I was probably in my late 30s 40s is when I really started paying attention to the quality of sex for myself personally.

Lana Kerr 4:30
And I had a great conversation with my mother and just wanted to find out from her home what she defines as good sex. Think of having that conversation with your mother. Anyway, we had a very open relationship in terms of talking about things but this was something a little different. Anyway, she gave me an explanation that really changed my life.

Lana Kerr 4:52
She said to me she’s Elana. Good sex is like playing tennis. It’s just a different set of balls. Ha, ha, no, let me tell you that really changed my life. And I’ll tell you why. She said you have to focus on hitting the ball. Because I think for me, I have seen sex more in my own personal life more as a performance. I think that’s what it was, it was something that I wasn’t really paying attention to like focusing on or just being more present at the moment or seeing it more as a form of connection with my husband, but more as something I was doing for him, as opposed to doing for me and for us.

Lana Kerr 5:32
And so you know, when you think about Serena Williams hitting a ball, you know, hitting tennis, playing tennis, you really don’t think of her as thinking, Whoa, she’s looking when she’s hitting the ball, she’s really her face is contorted her bodies. I mean, she’s trying to hit the ball. And I think that’s, it changed my whole view, in terms of my relationship with my husband, so I was here, no focus, I really started enjoying intimacy in a very different way.

Lana Kerr 6:01
So then no progressing until my 40s, I was able to recognize when things changed for me. So I noticed a difference in sensation. And so I had gone to my gynecologist just for a checkup. And I asked her, I told her what I was experiencing. And she said she did my exam.

Lana Kerr 6:19
And she said, Lana, you are fine, you’re the things wrong, you’re lubricating, you’re in a good way. But it’s just that you’re getting older. And when you get older, you lose sensitivity. So she was going to recommend a device that she had had in her office, which was laser.

Lana Kerr 6:35
And she said, Listen, we can think about this, and we can maybe schedule another appointment for that. But when she said that, and I got home, I recognize that we had something like that, that was already in my cupboard we’re using for the face, because it was it’s something similar to how energy works. And so that’s really what came to the idea of let’s try this. So we started a clinical trial. And we tried it on women who were menopausal.

Lana Kerr 7:03
And I don’t want to get into this yet. But basically, after the study was shown, we did that we did biopsies, it was just conclusive, that co2 Live, which we now call co2, the V was not only safe but effective for women. And I’ll tell you, so after we did that, I tried it myself. And I don’t know, it was mind over matter. But it really was different for me. I mean, it was like I actually forgot how good it felt.

Lana Kerr 7:32
It felt like maybe I was in my early 20s. So I said maybe this is mind over matter. So I went back to my mother and I said, Mommy, I want you to try this. Anyway, she had described her relationship, her sex life with my father as more like sandpaper. So after she did this, and along with my aunts, they went from sandpaper to butter. And then I knew we had something, as I said, we have to help women to experience what we’re experiencing No.

Kevin Anthony 8:01
Okay, sandpaper to butter is a pretty convincing testimonial, I will say,

Céline Remy 8:07
I want to come back to some of the things that you notice that we’re different because you hit a few. You know, when you were like things didn’t feel different, I feel the same anymore. And I know that a lot of women that I work with, they kind of have that experience, but they like you were when you go to a practitioner, they’re gonna know everything’s fine. You’re lubricating fire, the mechanic. And everything works fine.

Céline Remy 8:31
And you’re like, Yeah, but I know something is wrong like something is not the way that it used to. Can you maybe let us know when it’s not maybe just with you? But since you’ve, you know, you’ve studied lots of women with the product that you have, what are some of the complaints that women have in like, Hey, this is what I’ve been experiencing this. This is the pain or the lack of lubrication? Or the nose sensations like what is it that that the women have noticed? I’m not complaining about it?

Lana Kerr 9:00
Okay, so use cross-section and depends on how old a woman is at the age of the woman depends on what’s going on in her life. But you’re going to find I’ll tell you. So first, for instance, I think starting on the younger end of the spectrum, when women may have been suffering from PCOS. So they’re going to have may experience painful sex just uncomfortable when they have sex.

Lana Kerr 9:20
So they may think that they’re too small, you know, and so they will. So women will say, Well, I don’t need anything that’s going to make me tighter, because I’m too tight as it is. But it’s really just that they’re not they need more lubrication. So it can slide in and we’re not talking about it like a lube. Because lube is different. This is something that is affecting the quality of the tissue.

Lana Kerr 9:42
So the quality of that skin changes when you use a co2 Louis so that they cannot enjoy it. So that’s one thing that someone younger or made so painful sex could be one or maybe they don’t even know may be right after a baby. They just it’s just pleasant not as Pleasant It’s just the blood flow is it’s they need more blood flow in that area to make them more sensitive so they can start feeling it in the same way as opposed to just like hitting your hand or hitting your elbow.

Lana Kerr 10:12
You know that there are no sensations there, but you can actually get that back. So you can so you have tight, they may feel tight, they may feel dry. They may feel not as sensitive,

Céline Remy 10:24
like flat. I was gonna say like, they’re like, I could take it or leave it. A lot of women working with me like, Yeah, I mean, sex, I could take it Live it lemon, it’s more enjoyable to have a glass of wine than to have a penis inside me. So yes,

Lana Kerr 10:36
yeah. Yes. So that’s kind of thing. So when you think about it, I’ll just use men when you think about Viagra, for instance, when is giving blood flow is giving stronger erections. And you know, this, the clitoris is, it’s like, the penis is just different. So when you regenerate there because you’re generating inside as well as the clitoris, the vulva, you’re going to get more nerve and more feeling, it’s going to stimulate not only that I think for women, what they’re seeing too is they’re more aroused.

Lana Kerr 11:08
So again, the clitoris area, and then they’re also because we’re so cerebral, we think so much, it’s putting that top of mind so we can expect sex to be comfortable and expected to be enjoyable. And so we can actually look forward to it. I think those are the things in addition to the physiological changes that you’re experiencing when you use when you correct those issues. You’re also addressing the mental and emotional aspects of it in a way.

Kevin Anthony 11:35
Yeah, so we’ve kind of talked around it, but we haven’t directly stated it, which is that you know, the reason why your doctor says there’s nothing wrong is that they’re basically looking at you and saying, This is a normal part of the aging process. And the part that maybe we didn’t quite say out loud, is that one of the normal parts of normal aging for women is that the skin, the lining on the inside of the vagina, the skin actually gets thinner.

Kevin Anthony 12:04
And they don’t produce as much lubrication. So that, of course, can lead to the painful Sex and the discomfort in the sandpaper feeling and then not being super motivated for sex and all that. So technically, yes, that is a part of the aging process. However, one of the things that we’ve learned, and we learned this when we talked to Dr. Brandeis last week, as well, is that when you’re treating problems like this, the way to really do it is to increase blood flow to the area, which is part of the reason why these things change, to begin with because the blood flow decreases.

Kevin Anthony 12:40
So obviously, doing things that would keep your cardiovascular system really healthy would help as well. But I think if I am incorrect, let me know. But I think that’s a large, large part of what’s happening here is that this product is actually increasing the blood flow to the area and allowing your body to actually heal itself, per se, and oxygen it better.

Lana Kerr 13:04
Exactly. And so doing what you’re doing is also creating more collagen and elastin, because as you said, it’s about blood flow. And even when you think about the skin on our face, we’re trying to keep blood flow there. That’s why when you do a workout, it actually can, the blood flow can keep your skin looking healthy.

Lana Kerr 13:24
That’s what moisturizers are. In other words, what you’re trying to do with, procedures in a doctor’s office actually create more blood flow, which will create more collagen and elastin. And so that area, I like to think of it as just skin between the legs. But it’s just more important skin. Because you know, I feel that that’s about the quality of life. And if you can find a way to not only increase the blood flow but in term and also increase collagen and elastin, then you’re going to keep that era youthful.

Kevin Anthony 13:57
Yes, I think it’s it’s so interesting because there are so many parallels to what we talked about last week, right? Because some of the treatments that Dr. Brandeis is using to help men with erectile dysfunction part of the problem say maybe with something like peroneus disease or some of those other things is literally a hardening of the elastic tissue in the penis, which is kind of similar to what’s going on here. And so it’s kind of cool that there are treatments for both men and women that will help restore that elastic tissue that that the way it would be when you were younger. So I’m

Céline Remy 14:33
going to come back to when you went to that visit and your gynecologist was like oh, you can do like a laser treatment. And that probably maybe started something for you. You probably weren’t aware of these treatments. But I would like if you could explain a little bit maybe to the audience a bit of the difference because maybe some people are familiar with Labiaplasty or like Using like, like very invasive procedures to get to tighten your vagina, right?

Céline Remy 15:06
And I don’t know for you, but for me, they’re really scary. I’m like, You’re not gonna go there with that. And even with the laser, you know, they’re like, when I was younger, I had HPV and they’re like, oh, yeah, you just have like to laser it and cry your thing. And I’m like, so explain the process to me. And I mean, you’re going to go shoot this laser thing into my vagina. And then it’s going to like freeze a part of it like, and I’m like, What?

Céline Remy 15:31
What happens to my sensations afterward? I know you’ll be fine. And seven, I was like, let me look at another verse solution. I’ll come back later. And long story short, I used plants suppositories worked with an acupuncturist, and was able to get back into balance. And, and so I’m just curious about not that we want to scare our listeners away.

Céline Remy 15:54
But I think it’s important that we make a distinction that this V lift is not invasive, and then maybe that they understand what’s the difference? Because I know you have some good knowledge about the different treatments available.

Lana Kerr 16:06
Yes, okay, great. And it definitely can sound scary. And it’s so interesting that many women don’t do research on this until they’re in a situation or they may not even know where to look, I’m grateful that more and more providers are looking at solutions for this for a woman. And so there’s much more information there today than when I was just when when I finished having kids and I needed this type of information.

Lana Kerr 16:31
So okay, right, no. So you have lasers, you have an energy base, which can be a laser or radiofrequency device. So they’re just different forms of energy. Lasers are a little bit more, they’re ablative. And so they’re going to put probe a large probe inside of the vagina, and what is going to do is actually going to try to damage that tissue. So it’s going to damage the tissue, so as to force the body in to start healing, whereas the radio frequency is more warm energy.

Lana Kerr 17:03
So it’s not as it’s not ablative. And it’s going to do the same thing. But basically, it’s still damaging the tissue or forcing the body to produce collagen and elastin, co2 lift carboxy is doing the same thing without damaging the tissue. Because how our bodies are made is that once we introduce co2, which is carbon dioxide into whatever tissue it’s being introduced, the body is going to be forced to rebalance itself. So it’s going to know to send blood to that area to rebalance the amount of carbon to co2 to oxygen.

Lana Kerr 17:35
And in so doing, it’s going to force it’s going to the hemoglobin curve is going to prefer adding them co2 is going to let off the oxygen. So that’s how more oxygen is going to flood into that area. And when that happens, the capillaries are widened. So all that blood is being rushed to that area along with hydration and oxygen nutrition. And that’s going to stimulate the body to start healing.

Lana Kerr 18:00
So that’s how a wound is healed. If you think about skin regeneration, carboxytherapy has a history of wound healing. So again, it’s the same as regenerating that tissue, but without any pain without damaging it. And this is just a gel. So when you mix it together, that gel actually forms a co2, so it’s very cooling on the skin is cooling to that area, and then again is going to start that process.

Lana Kerr 18:23
The thing with co2 Lift carboxy is that it’s not just doing it when it’s on the skin, so it’s releasing the co2 for 45 minutes to an hour. Even if you leave it on overnight, it’s still just an hour. But then what happens that action continues. So it doesn’t stop, once the gel or the co2 is known that the body has to continue working. So it’s a treatment that you do.

Lana Kerr 18:48
And once you complete it and the symptoms that you were experiencing are gone. Or just for a woman who is young and just wants to maintain healthy tissue. Once that’s complete, she can simply just do that once a series is done at least once a month to maintain it. It’s just like if you think of your face, once you do treatments for your face, you’re just maintaining youthful skin. If you do the right procedures on your skin, you can delay aging for a very long time.

Lana Kerr 19:15
You can delay having to do anything that’s very like plastic surgery for a very long time. If you start early to maintain and keep that tissue thick, is the same thing down there. You don’t want to wait for a problem to no start addressing. If you at a youthful age can say you know you’re sexually active, you want to maintain that tissue nice and thick and blood flow. You can simply do something to maintain it so you can delay the onset of aging as long as possible. So that’s what’s carboxy jealous doing

Kevin Anthony 19:43
right? Yeah, and I love how a lot of these newer technologies are basically stimulating the body to do its own work. And I think that’s always the best thing. I’ve never been a big fan of treatments that are supposed to like I will just stick a piece of plastic in your hair. A piece of metal in you over here will artificially give you this drug you’re left to take for the rest of your life.

Kevin Anthony 20:04
Like, I love the treatments and the techniques that just kind of go into your body and say, Hey, buddy, wake up, do what you’re supposed to be doing, right? It’s always better to have your body do it than some outside thing to it. So the next question I have, is so we understand what the product isn’t, and how it works.

Kevin Anthony 20:24
And we also understand that this was something that an idea that you had, because of your own issues. I’m curious if you could describe the differences after you had done this for yourself? What differences Did you notice not only for yourself but in your relationship and in your sex life?

Lana Kerr 20:42
Oh, my goodness, it was It is funny, sometimes you don’t remember, I think I’ve used that statement before, you just don’t remember how something felt. And I think, in a way, aging is like that, you know, you if you were to just one day, wake up and look old. If I was if I looked like I was in my 20s. And then one day woke I’m 51 now and just, it’s a difference in skin, you would be shocked.

Lana Kerr 21:07
You know, it’s gradual. So you don’t even remember how old I look, you can look at a picture is the same thing with the set, what was my experience with sex, you kind of just go along. And so it’s not as bad. So when I corrected something, it sent me back to a place that I actually forgot. So what I was experiencing differently was, even though I didn’t have a lubrication issue, well, it was like the floodgates open, it was just so much more than I had been experiencing when even when the doctor said,

Lana Kerr 21:38
You’re lubricating normally, it just was I didn’t have to use as much lube. It was the sensations were different, you kind of arrive at that point in a different way. I mean, even my, the type of experiences that I was having with my husband were just different from what I had before in terms of the type of orgasms that you experience are different. I think that for me, too. I look forward to sex, I looked forward to because I maybe and I was explaining to you before maybe because it was just more top of mind, I was doing something for myself, and I was excited about it.

Lana Kerr 22:16
So it was something that we’re going to do tonight, it wasn’t like, check, you know, or like our turnover, you know, it wasn’t like that it was I was participating, I would initiate and it’s it has definitely drawn us much closer together. I think that and I know this and I’m and I know you know this, but sex is a big part of a relationship. It’s a big part of a relationship and what keeps people connected.

Lana Kerr 22:40
I mean, obviously, talking and all of that. And for the sex to be good. You have to behave in a good relationship and emotionally on the same page and mentally want to think but certainly, I felt that that helped us in a lot, a big way. And it really has connected us in a way that we haven’t been connected in a long time.

Céline Remy 23:01
But that’s exciting because I’m sure anyone listening as like for many women that like Wi-Fi could only get back to that place of wanting sex, or even to that place of like, not wanting sex anymore. You know, being neutral. You know,

Kevin Anthony 23:15
in a woman’s world, those are two very distinct differences. Think we want sex we don’t want sex for women. It’s like we want sex. We don’t want sex we don’t want and

Lana Kerr 23:30
so it’s really interesting how life is in terms with respect to that for me, and just even talking to other women, talking to my friends who are using the co2 Livi it really has changed our lives. It has made them as I say Netflix intersex like it’s not just it’s you can spend the time you can like relax into it, you know because it’s not something that you want to just get over with you recognize that your body takes time to kind of warm-up.

Lana Kerr 23:59
Regardless, this allows it to warm up faster and so you can spend time connecting and really enjoying that it really has changed so many women’s lives in addition to my own so I’m really happy about that. So when a man and you mentioned this to Kevin in the beginning as to why men may want to pay attention sometimes in a relationship he was the same for me. It’s not that I didn’t want to make Terry happen. It’s not that I didn’t want to but I wasn’t as excited about it anymore.

Lana Kerr 24:26
I don’t know why it’s just life gets in the way and you think of so many things that you need to be doing. But when you once I’ve done did this, I recognize that sex was not just about an act for him. It really helped me it helps me to be more creative. It helps me to just function in my life better just because I’m having a better quality of intimacy with my husband.

Céline Remy 24:49
Now Did he notice a difference? Once you started doing some of the therapies or the treatments on yourself like Did he notice a difference?

Lana Kerr 25:00
Yes, he did. So we had because we discussed this I had told him to do for some time that I wasn’t feeling because room, we had gone through that conversation with my mother. And our sex life really was banging to the word, not no pun on the word bang, but it was going really well. And when I reached a point in my life, I said, Terry, this something is going on differently. I wasn’t sure if it was him on his side, or meet my side. But he knew that and he felt a difference, too.

Lana Kerr 25:30
So when we did this, and after the trip, clinical trials, before we put it on the market, I tried it. And he felt the difference. I felt the difference. And then we’re thinking maybe this is our mind over matter, maybe we just want it to be different. So then we tried my mom, my, obviously, my father saw the difference, because as you get older, because you’re producing less estrogen, you’re dryer, like so my mother experienced this when she was she said when she was 69, when she noticed a difference.

Lana Kerr 25:59
And she had I mean, she’s mentioned having to use coconut oil to just get through the whole process. The sun paints her experience, yes, oh, my goodness, I know. And some women experienced that earlier in life. So that they know does differ. And then we, of course, many couples that we’ve spoken to, the woman will notice, but certainly, the man will notice you’re going to feel her muscle, it’s like she becomes more like that sponge, that’s a fresh sponge.

Lana Kerr 26:27
You know, I like to use that analogy, you buy a sponge at the supermarket, and it’s, it can hold a lot of water, you know, and then as you use it, it becomes flat, and it can’t hold any water. So that’s like the vaginal tissue ones is flat, it’s just, you can’t grab with it, your muscles, it’s just not as flexible. So this just allows it to lubricate and expand, and you can hold a lot of water.

Kevin Anthony 26:55
You know, if you’re, if you’re a man, and you’re really paying attention during sex, you can absolutely feel with your penis, what it feels, what the skin on the inside of a vagina feels like and you can feel a difference from one woman to the next might be a little bit more difficult if you’re using condoms. So you know, if it’s not somebody that you’re intimately connected with, or if that is your form of birth control, which is perfectly fine, you might not feel as much.

Kevin Anthony 27:23
But you can definitely feel the difference inside of a vagina. And like I said, even from one woman to the next, oh, I can feel she’s got a little, little wavy part here or, you know, the like those little ridges extend a little further in her than in my last girlfriend and things like that you can totally feel those. So when things are going on inside the vagina, whether it’s due to age or whatever, if you’re paying attention as a guy, you should be able to feel it. If you can’t, you’re not paying attention.

Céline Remy 27:55
So I have a lot more questions because I’m sure many women still do. And we’re gonna get into that. But before that, we want to do a quick break to our second sponsor of this show. And this is actually for all of your listeners who are in a committed couple but feels stuck. And in a rut going through the daily motion. Instead of connecting the way you used to.

Céline Remy 28:18
Kevin and I have created an amazing program basically if you give us 90 days, we will help you bring the passion back between the sheets and be synched up sexually so that you can thrive with more purpose and passion in life. What’s amazing about this program is not only do we have tools, techniques, exercises, practices, but if you’ve been listening to the Love Lab podcasts, you know that we’ve interviewed hundreds of experts and in everything we’ve learned, we also apply it to what we teach in our coaching programs.

Céline Remy 28:51
So we have solutions, ideas and tips, and tricks for you to try. So if you feel you feel ready to get back on track, and you don’t want to be having average sex or sandpaper sex and you want to have that buttery, feeling, passion, and everything else, go to kevinandceline.com/passion to learn more about this program.

Céline Remy 29:10
Alright, Lana, I have some questions and maybe some objections because it sounds too good to be true. And it sounds amazing.

Céline Remy 29:18
And I don’t want to be the devil’s advocate. But I think we need to address some of that a little bit, you know, some of the first things that came to mind. So this product is something that you put on the outer part of the valve on the labia, but you also put it internally inside of your vagina. And so I was having some concerns and thinking what are women going to say?

Céline Remy 29:41
So what would you say about like, hey, is this going to affect the way you taste and smell because I every time I’ve put something else in my vagina, even if it’s coconut oil, or let’s say I had like super Satori for like a yeast infection or something like this. It tastes different afterward for a few days or I don’t feel like I’m like myself. And so that’s part one.

Céline Remy 30:03
And part two is what about yeast infections because when you do put something foreign, it could disturb the delicate pH balance, which in turn can create some infections or things that just you don’t want to have.

Lana Kerr 30:20
Those are great questions. Well, first off, to answer most things with smell, and taste down there, it’s relating to pH. And when you throw the pH off, it’s going to change that, well, this is the pH on this is the perfect ph of the vagina. So it’s 4.5. So when you do it doesn’t disturb that, in fact, as women get older, sometimes they become that changes.

Lana Kerr 30:44
And so they start, they’re more prone to infections, this actually prevents it because it’s keeping the pH at what it should be. So you can use it. I mean, in terms of the, I haven’t had any complaints, or even on my side personally with any change for a negative with that, because as I said, if the even the smell of it doesn’t, it has no real smell, it may smell like orange if you smell it, but when you take it out it just so you feel fresh, there’s no change in scent down there. And the pH is, as I said, it’s the perfect pH for the vaginal tissue. Awesome.

Kevin Anthony 31:23
Is that something you guys engineered on purpose? Did you specifically make it the same pH as a healthy vagina?

Lana Kerr 31:31
Well, well, yeah, I mean, that’s, that’s going to be important. I mean, because one for the face is a little higher. So the one down there, we want it to be around 4.5. And that was specifically designed because we don’t want to be pushing things in our vagina. And we don’t even advocate douching is not a good thing for a woman to do.

Lana Kerr 31:48
So even when we looked at the verbiage, because once you put it inside, when you take it out whether you’re going to leave it on overnight, or you’re going to just do it for the hour while you’re awake, when you take it out, you still have to use applicator and fill it with water and squirt it up. So it’s like douching.

Lana Kerr 32:06
And we didn’t even want to use that word douche because it has such a negative word, but we eventually had to change it because some people didn’t understand you actually have to squirt the water up. Because it will just form a plug inside of the vaginal canal that it will just when the water hits it, it just falls out like semen in the toilet. So it just falls out.

Lana Kerr 32:24
But yeah, so it’s not you’re not douching you’re just inserting it washing it out. And you’re perfectly fine. This just also remembers, this is recommended by many gynecologists, many urogynecologist for women right after having a baby, you know, for when with the complaints that we just discussed.

Céline Remy 32:44
Yeah. And thank you for answering that. Because I think that for women to feel safe, they need to have these questions. And so they need to know that, hey, you fought about these things that yes, the pH is different on your face and inside of your vagina, and we need to address that.

Céline Remy 32:59
So how does it work? It sounds like I said, it sounds too good to be true. Do I just do it once? And then I’m good for 10 years? Or do I do this? Like 100 times is it like once I start doing it I can never stop like what’s the formula they Elana

Lana Kerr 33:16
another person has great questions there. Alright, so first off, when we did the clinical, the clinical trials, it was done for women who are having chronic issues. And they needed to do 10 treatments. So a box comes in a box of three or a box of five. So we’re talking about a five-count box just like the five counts,

Céline Remy 33:35
right? If you’re watching the video, I have the five here so you can see what it is.

Lana Kerr 33:41
So that five code comes with five treatments that you would do every three to five days apart. So a box, let’s just say you’re doing it once a week, a box of five is five weeks. So typically a woman who has chronic issues may need to boxes, so 10 treatments, so 10 weeks, again, you can do it closer apart than a week apart, you can do every three to five days, or but no, no more than a week apart as what we call the loading dose.

Lana Kerr 34:09
So for women with chronic issues they need, they typically need 10 treatments. But if you’re for a woman who just had a baby, for instance, a box of five is all she’ll need. Or a younger woman who just wants to start thinking about maintaining the quality of our tissue, a loading dose is just three. So the box of three would be fine. And she would need a loading dose once a week for three weeks.

Lana Kerr 34:32
And then you can maintain that by taking one application a month. Suppose you don’t maintain it. What happens is after you your symptoms will probably come back if you’re experiencing symptoms within about a year, and then you need to do it again. So we like to think of maintaining it’s similar to if you think of working out if you were at a gym and you finally got the body you wanted and you stopped working out eventually all that muscle and tone that you built would be Come softly again, eventually.

Lana Kerr 35:02
So we like to maintain. So after you reached where you want to reach, and you got the results you want, then just simply one a month, which is what I do right now I do one a month. And it’s just easy. As I said, I just do it, when I’m ready to go to sleep. Once a month, I do it. And you know, sometimes I do it more, I’ll do it. Like, for instance, if we go because we go away for these sex weekends. And I’ll do it before just to kind of prep for that it’s like running a marathon.

Kevin Anthony 35:30
I’m so glad to hear you still go away on sex weekends, after twenty-five years, that’s pretty cool.

Lana Kerr 35:36
As we’ve been doing that, and we’ve been really enjoying it really, when we come back, it’s we’re just so refreshed. But so I’ll do one before those weekends. To kind as I said, to be prepared for that. But aside from that, you really only need once a month.

Céline Remy 35:52
Alright, so free could be the minimum for somebody who’s younger without any issues five, then maybe somebody mid-age, I cut off where I’m at probably and then 10. If you’ve got more chronic, that’s, that’s a good thank God to give me the five, oh my goodness. I’m not feeling too insulted.

Lana Kerr 36:15
I don’t even think you’ll see the dirt, you’ll see when you’re doing it, I think just three but three is a loading dose. So none of those three, I think all you’ll need is three Yeah, and then that other two will last you for another two months, we’ll be just in terms of maintaining that we’re gonna have to

Céline Remy 36:29
do another video, you know, like, you know, your experience of my vagina posts, you know, pre and post.

Kevin Anthony 36:36
Yeah, this is the Love Lab, by the way, you know, that’s how we got our name was so in order for this to be a purely scientific study, what we’re going to have to do is have sex several times before you start guys one time is like, you know, so it’s got to be at least a minimum of three times before you start, and we can average the experience there, then you can do the treatment. And then we got to do at least three more times after I think that sounds like a proper scientific experiment.

Céline Remy 37:08
Got it, Kevin, keep it even,

Kevin Anthony 37:09
we’ll have to set some parameters, like the length of time the positions that we choose, you know, all that kind of stuff.

Lana Kerr 37:18
Make this make this. So it’s, you could post it every review.

Céline Remy 37:25
We haven’t said a year and a half ago, we did a 30 days sex challenge where we had sex for 30 days in a row. And then we did the whole episode. And we were very thorough about the experience and did the whole show. So we’ll apply the same methodology.

Lana Kerr 37:42
Yes, of course. I think that’s definitely necessary. That was fun. You know, if

Kevin Anthony 37:45
you’ve, if you’ve never listened to that episode, you should go back and listen to it. Because you know, guys are thinking right now when they heard us say that, that 30 days in a row of sex. That sounds awesome. Of course, I’m in for that. And it was awesome. I don’t have anything negative to say about it. But it’s harder to do. You think when you are busy and you have a lot happening in life, it is not easy to carve out the time, every single day. It’s perfectly easy to do it a few times,

Céline Remy 38:12
two, three times a week, like easy peasy seven times a week, seven

Kevin Anthony 38:16
days a week and some of those weeks like sometimes we were traveling or we like big business things how it was not that easy to do. Let me tell you

Céline Remy 38:25
how we did it because I was like, you know, if we did not do it, then we had to restart from the beginning. And I was like no, there’s no way I went for 25 days.

Kevin Anthony 38:34
Even if you were at day 29 You had to start all over again. Anyway,

Céline Remy 38:39
we getting totally sidetracked here, Lana, tell our listeners where they can find the products where they can connect with you. And I know we also got a special coupon for all of our listeners that they can use. We’ll put the link in the description. I believe it’s LOVELAB, it’s kind of the one we use all of the time. But where can they find more about this product and get it for themselves?

Lana Kerr 39:00
Okay, so it’s co2lift.com And you know where you can go to the product section and read more information you can hear what medical practitioners are saying about it, you can see some of the research that has been done on the co2 lift V because it’s important that you know that it’s safe, but yet effective and painless.

Lana Kerr 39:29
And you can and then just one thing to I don’t know if we made a point of this but there’s no downtime following it. So in other words, you could have sex right away so you don’t have to stop that going on. And it’s really easy to apply. I know we didn’t really talk about it but it’s just simply mixing the packets together.

Lana Kerr 39:48
There’s an applicator stick you I think the hardest part you’re going to find is actually putting it into the applicator stick because applicator you just have to kind of soften that I call it like a virgin you know You have to loosen it up.

Kevin Anthony 40:02
Give it a little foreplay first.

Lana Kerr 40:04
Exactly, exactly. So once you get that, that is easy, you pull it up, you insert it, and then you’re going to put the rest on the vulva to the perineum. And I like to go to bed with mine, but you can work, but, you know, put a pad on and work. And then after, take it out with the same applicator stick. So it’s very simple. There’s no pain, it’s very cool. It’s feeling inside. And then you can, again, as I said, there’s no downtime, but co2 Lift calm.

Céline Remy 40:33
Okay, awesome. And then just, if you were to put it on for the whole night, does it leak a bit like should you wear maybe like a panty or put something underneath probably, if you don’t want to stain your sheets?

Lana Kerr 40:46
Yes, whenever I’m using it, I wear like a panty liner to put it and then it just stays put, it doesn’t eat, it just forms this, this jelly substance so it’s not going to leak on and they would Yes, or pantyliner would be good. And then go to bed.

Céline Remy 41:02
And then you’re not only do you have things for the vagina, but you also have things for the face, the same technology, the same carboxy therapy that you can apply to your face. So if you’re curious about these treatments, is it all on the same website, they can find all co2 lifts.com. Right.

Lana Kerr 41:21
And your code will work for all the products on there as well.

Céline Remy 41:23
This is good, so you should check it out. Now we get to the juicy question that we love to ask our guests. Lana, tell us what is your best sexual talents?

Lana Kerr 41:39
My best I think I would say it’s kissing. I think that that is something that I feel like I’m gifted in. But it’s something I think it’s important for me in terms of connection. I like to even when you don’t have I don’t have a lot of time, I think for me to get warmed up. The kissing is important. So I start kissing and looking into the eyes. So I am good at that and kissing all parts of the body I think is my specialty.

Kevin Anthony 42:15
We have an expert kisser here.

Céline Remy 42:20
Thank you for sharing. I love this question.

Kevin Anthony 42:23
I love watching them squirm a little blush a little and then finally say something they’re embarrassed to admit.

Céline Remy 42:31
Even my favorite part about that too is that, hey, nobody really knows we’re gonna spring that on them. But the more vulnerable you are, the better the answer and the better the connection is. And I love it because it also shows like, hey, like you always give a little bit less than teaching moments. And I love that everybody has something to teach for every guy listening is like, I hope you paid attention.

Céline Remy 42:56
But Lana was talking about creating intimacy and eye connection and you’re warmed up. Exactly, you know. So these things are important. So, thank you so much for sharing about the co2, laser treatments, rejuvenation treatments. And I love that it’s painless, that it’s noninvasive because I think that every time you’re going to do something with your body parts, especially your privates like it should be something if it’s not broken, don’t like, try to fix it.

Céline Remy 43:34
That’s really what Kevin was saying to me the other day. And that feels like you know, as women, we love self-care, we love to do things I love to give my face a face mask or scrub or something like this. It’s like, as you said, there’s no difference from the skin between our legs. And a lot of women when they apply even body cream, they go like they skip that area. And I’m like, Why? Why would you skip it? I mean, put a few things on you have cream on your labia and every other part. So I think it’s awesome to be able to give you a vagina the love that it deserves and seeks and wants.

Lana Kerr 44:08
Yes. And just on one thing, you said and I for that for the moisturizing. I think it’s so important for that. I just think women just want to be careful what moisturizer they’re using on there, because the ones with scent are not a good one, necessarily. Because you as you know, it can throw off the pH you know women think oh, I want to smell good.

Lana Kerr 44:27
And so they put scented things down there. So you want to use one that’s really designed for moisturizing there. But I think it’s super important that we definitely when we’re moisturizing our body we that part of us, which makes us a woman. We should definitely be gentle with it and caress it and give it the attention and respect and the sacred dance that it deserves. And you

Kevin Anthony 44:53
know honestly, that’s why we had you on the show to talk about this. We don’t generally just have people On so they can pitch their products. I mean, they get to that benefit of being on the show also. But we always want to bring things to the audience that can help them in some way and change their life in some way.

Kevin Anthony 45:10
And what we liked about this was that it is a potential treatment that really could transform not just women’s lives, but couples sex lives like this could be the thing that could suddenly fix the problem that you’ve been having, and greatly increase the sex life and the connection in the relationship.

Kevin Anthony 45:31
And so for anybody who’s out there listening who, you know, has had these problems, problems, after childbirth problems with aging, where things just don’t feel the same anymore in your vagina, they’re not lubricating as much or that it’s uncomfortable or painful, or any of those things know that there are solutions out there. And that’s what we like to do.

Kevin Anthony 45:53
We’d like to bring you solutions, there are things that you could potentially do, you do not have to suffer from this for the rest of your life. And so that’s what we’re hoping people get out of this, that they understand that there are some treatments, some things that are non-invasive, that might potentially transform their sex life.

Lana Kerr 46:13
And I think to just even looking at both of you, I think you’re such an exception because I think more couples need to do what you’re doing it in the sense of talk about sex together, I think a lot of couples just don’t have that conversation. And so if they are tired, there may be a reason beyond, you’re not tired every night to what’s going on.

Lana Kerr 46:32
Like, tell me what’s happening. I think women may not want to say something to their partner, because for fear that they’re going to think their partner is going to think something is wrong with them, or with them their partner, but it’s just we’re bodies changed, life changes, and we can fix it.

Lana Kerr 46:46
So first off, is having the conversation, and then recognizing there are a lot of solutions out there for so many of the issues that happen in relationships, physiologically, things with our bodies, and just emotionally so I love that you guys are doing this as a couple. And I think that’s such an example for other couples to have these types of conversations which, which with each other. So,

Kevin Anthony 47:12
absolutely. It’s all about communication, lubrication.

Céline Remy 47:18
Thank you, Lana, for being on the Love Lab podcast. It’s been an amazing conversation again, go to co2 live.com or go to the link in the description. Use our coupon Love Lab and enjoy the products for yourself and then let us know to shoot us an email, send us a comment on how your experience was with it because we love to celebrate your victories.

Lana Kerr 47:40
Thank you for having me. Thank you both so much.

Kevin Anthony 47:43
All right, everybody. That’s all the time we have for this episode. And we’ll see you next week.

Kevin Anthony 47:52
We hope you like this episode of the Love Lab podcast. If you enjoy this show, subscribe. Leave us a review and share it with your friends.

Céline Remy 47:59
And for more free exclusive content. Join us in the passion vault at kevinandceline.com/vault

Kevin Anthony 48:11
forward slash vault. Thanks for listening.

Céline Remy 48:15
And remember you’re amazing

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